Github cli commands
A list of Github cli commands
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Description | Command |
Initialize a Github repository [default private] | gh repo create <name> |
Initialize a Github public repository | gh repo create <name> --public |
Create a local copy of a remote repository | gh repo clone <repository-name> or gh repo clone<username>/<repository-name> |
Create a fork for the current repository | gh repo fork |
Pull requests
Description | Command |
Check status | gh pr status |
Create a pull request | gh pr create |
Quickly navigate to the pull request creation page | gh pr create --web |
list of open pull requests | gh pr list |
View a pull request | gh pr view |
Description | Command |
Create a new issue | gh issue create |
Create an issue using flags | gh issue create --title "Issue title" |
list of open issues | gh issue list |
list of closed issues | gh issue list --state closed |
Show status of relevant issues | gh issue status |
View an issue | gh issue view {<number> / <url>} |